Policy API operations
The Policy API is a HTTP REST service provided primarily by the SPCM which allows the management of subscribers, data packages, notifications, and plans. The API may be used when the Tango SPCM is performing the role of SPR and subscriber accounts are provisioned on the Tango Platform.
By default, the accept part of the header is XML . You must explicitly set accept in your header to application/JSON to receive a JSON response.
Plan definitions
A plan definition defines the characteristics of a data plan by assigning policies and rules for the plans. You can also add optional features such as usage rules and usage counters.
After creating a plan definition, you must add a pcc profile, finalise it, and make it available to use the plan definition. |
PCC profiles
A PCC profile determines the policy treatment for the plan with which it is associated. It provides settings such as:
the threshold profile
quality of service profile (QoS)
charging profile
subscription profile
location profile
time and network parameters (when and where a plan is active)
Every plan definition must have a pcc profile associated with it. |
The Subscribers API operations allows you to perform user management as well as query information regarding particular subscribers.
There are also API operations to enable deducting quota and consuming data for testing and demo purposes. |
Usage counters
Usage counters measure the usage of a plan based on time, volume, or credit. You can set usage counters to reset daily, weekly, or monthly.
You may choose to count all of the usage or only the usage of an individual pcc profile (if multiple profiles are set up for the plan). |
Usage counters are an optional feature for adding to a plan definition. |
Usage rules
Usage rules are essentially the bounds in which a usage counter functions. They set thresholds which usage counters apply.
Usage rules are an optional feature for adding to a plan definition. |
Boosters allow subscribers to boost their plan volume (bytes) or plan validity (time period) by a specified amount using the booster API operations detailed here. Each booster specifies its type, the amount by which to boost, and its cost. Boosters can also be assigned to plan definitions.
Boosters cannot be applied to core plans or unlimited add-on plans. |
Provisioning profiles
The Provisioning profile API operations allow the creationg and management of provisioning profiles.
Quality of Service profiles
The Quality of Service profile API operations allow the creationg and management of QoS profiles.