Release notes for PCC 6.9.0

Gy interface updates

Multiple updates regarding statistics, configuration, alarms, and CDRs in relation to the Gy reference point being embedded into the PCRF.

Statistic updates: Gy session and DCCA interface statistics added.

CDR updates: Gy session values added to the transaction type field in the PCRF CDR.

Configuration updates: Multiple PCRF configuration updates to accommodate Gy reference point. See the PCC Admin Guide at the Tango FTP site for more details.

Alarm added: A new major alarm 19012 added. See the PCC Alarm Reference Guide at the Tango FTP site for more details.


SPCM plan CDR new field

A new CDR Field in the SPCM Subscriber Plan CDR detailing the plan expiry reason.

PCRF CDR updates

Four new fields added to the variable part of the PCRF CDR:

  • Time Reported

  • Time Sent

  • Rule Activation Time

  • Rule Deactivation Time

See the PCRF CDR to see the latest updates.


Plan summary API parameter

sendPlanSummary query parameter added to the Subscriber plan API operation to retrieve (you guessed it) a summary of plans.

Subscriber plan API operation update

Recipient Plan field added to the JSON payload for Subscriber Plan API operations noting if the recipient received the plan as part of a donation.

Bonus plan trigger

Bonus plan trigger API operations have been added to the documentation. See API > Bonus plan triggers to see all operations.

PMI updates

Plan consumption checkboxes added to the PMI.

Check out your online help found under Help on your PMI for more details.