Update the HRG configuration

Default HRG configuration is found in the /config/hrg/hrgdb.sql file, which is managed throug the PMI. However, if you need to restore the default settings for any reason, follow the instructions below:

  • Ensure you are on the latest available HRG version for your deployment.

  • You must have permissions to run mysql commands on the hrgdb.sql file.

  • You must have access and appropriate permissions on the Platform Management Interface (PMI).

  1. Navigate to the hrgdb.sql file.

    This is typically found at /config/hrg/hrgdb.sql.
  2. Run mysql -uroot -proot hrgdb < hrgdb.sql.

  1. Restart the HRG for the changes to take effect.

  1. Update the HRG Connections by navigating to Orchestrator > HRG > Connections on the Platform Management Interface (PMI).

    An example of updating connections:

    Connection: SPCM Add Subscriber
    This connection: sends a POST request to the SPCM to add a subscriber.

    A request body (shown below) is provided in this request generator. It should be updated to match SPCM configuration for your site. One example might be the class field whereby different classes are configured for your site. Make sure this is reflected in the connection configuration.

    Subscriber classes are managed at Policy > SPCM > Subscriber Mgmt > Subscribers on the Platform Management Interface (PMI).
        "msisdn": "${msisdn}",
        "paymentType": "postpaid",
        "status": "active",
        "class": "standard"