Combo Pack Service component CDR

The Combo Pack Service component generates a CDR to record the outcome of the provisioning on the OCS of the account changes that constitute a Combo Pack.

The following sections describe the information fields included in the CDR. These fields appear as comma separated values in same order as the rows in the tables below.

The [CPS Variable Part] of the CDR is always present. It contains zero or more data elements and a terminating element (used to identify the end of the CDR). If there is no data to record, only the terminating element is displayed.

Each element in the variable part is pre-pended by &. Fields in an element are separated by ;. The terminating element is made up of a specific set of values: 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0. The separators are configurable.

Field Name Description


Subscriber ID

The MSISDN of the subscriber. This is in Tango internal format.


Service ID

The Tango service ID. This should be set to 49 for CPS.


Transaction Type

Indicates the type of transaction for which the CDR is generated. The options are as follows:

  • 0 = Provisioned

  • 1 = Not provisioned but request successfully sent to the SPCM to execute a refund

  • 2 = Not provisioned and error occurred when a request was sent to the SPCM to execute a refund

  • 3 = Not provisioned and did not send a request to the SPCM to execute a refund


Tenant ID

Alphanumeric string that displays the ID of the network operator for which the CDR was produced.


CDR Generation Date

The date that the CDR was generated (in the format DD/MM/YYYY).


CDR Generation Time

The time that the CDR was generated (in the format hh:mm:ss).



The IMSI of the subscriber. Empty if not provided or not applicable.


Plan Name

The name of the subscriber plan.


Plan ID

The plan instance ID of the subscriber plan.


OCS Failure Code

A failure code relating to the outcome of provisioning the account changes on the OCS. Tango-defined values are as follows:

  • 0 = Unspecified error

  • 1 = Web service Input/Output error

  • 2 = Illegal argument

  • 3 = Web service fault

  • 4 = Web service transform error

  • 5 = Web service message error

OCS-defined values are as follows:

  • 405600117 = Invalid Input Parameter

  • 405600033 = Data Does Not Exist

  • 405610009 = Subscriber Not Found

  • 405801177 = Cannot Perform Operation

  • 405400045 = Cannot Process Given Status

  • 405610047 = Cannot Process Given State 1

  • 405610071 = Cannot Process Given State 2

  • 405400703 = Subscriber Cannot Transact

  • 405400072 = Request Processed Before


SPCM Failure Code

A failure code relating to the outcome of an attempted plan refund on the SPCM. The following values are currently supported:

  • 0 = Unspecified error

  • 1 = Resource access error

  • 4xx = HTTP client error

  • 5xx = HTTP server error


OCS Account Changes

A series of trailing variable parts. Refer to Variable Part CPS CDR.

CPS variable part

The following table describes the fields that are contained in the variable part of the CPS CDR.

The variable part is separated from the fixed part by the & character and terminates with 0;0;0.
Field Name Description


Account Type

An integer that identifies the account on the OCS.



The quantity of units charged for the account.



The number of days until the units expire.


Usage Reported

Amount of usage reported by PCRF for this flow.

This field is currently always set to 0 as usage reporting via sponsored connectivity data is currently not supported in the AF.

CPS CDR sample

The following is an example of a CPS CDR:
