SDGW syslog configuration

In order to configure the Sponsored Data Syslog Server, you’ll need to setup a few things in order to get things moving. This topic guides you through this configuration.

  1. Enter the following in route.cfg:

<server>/sponsordata-syslog-server/0 = 13901
  1. Add the following process to PM.cfg:

[Process {N}]
    Description         =  Sponsored Data Syslog Server
    Process Path        =  /tango/bin/
    Program Name        =  sponsordata-syslog-server
    Class Name          =  sponsordata-syslog-server/0/pmClient/0
    Port                =  13901
    Argument            =  -c /tango/config/sponsorDataSyslogServer_properties
    Logical Host        =  SDSYSLOG Host
    Primary Host        =  localhost
    Launcy Delay        =  10
    Initial Response    =  60
    Restart Attempts    =  3
    Polling Interval    =  2
    Outstanding Polls   =  10
  1. Add the following to the CDR.cfg:

filename<X>  = active_syslog.cdr, /sdsyslog/sponsordata_sd_cdr.%Y%m%d_%H%M%S, sponsordata-syslog-server/0

Set the API method

In the file:


Set API response timeout and HTTPs

In the file:


Additional configuration

Check out the full Syslog Server Properties File file as of 2021-06-09.