SM Solution Overview
The iAX™ Subscription Manager (SM) solution is an innovative subscription manager and content delivery solution that allows network operators to control all subscriptions to various services from a central point. Specifically, it enables operators to create different subscription packages in real‐time.
The Subscription Manager provides the following key high‐level functions:
Web‐based GUI ‐ allows network operators to create and manage subscriptions, products and subscriber profiles.
Content Profile Server and Self‐Care ‐ allows for the personalisation of the subscription content along with opt‐in/opt‐out capability.
Support for Multiple Pricing ‐ provides the ability to have multiple prices per product/ channel.
Charging Interaction and CDR Generation ‐ provides comprehensive CDRs for revenue assurance and billing for both prepaid and postpaid subscribers.
Notification Server ‐ provides the ability to notify subscribers on the lifecycle of their subscriptions.